Our Objective

Financial Support

With the public cooperation being done by you, the reporter office bearers of our institute actively cooperate in any kind of public problems and do coverage by reaching out with full meaning and impartiality,, broadcast it and convey the information to the concerned officer,, And display the good work of the officers sitting in the department,, so that the departmental credibility can remain firm!
Giving special importance to Indian civilization, culture, knowledge, science, education, healthy, arts, latest news are displayed through web portals, paper electronic media.
Along with this, people keep on making aware about the cyber crimes happening in the society.
Thinking about natural problems from time to time, we cooperate in that too,, Always stand with the truth at every step in public service,, So come on, you also be a part of this campaign with Global Times 7 News Network. Try to do better! Long live India!

Objective of Global Times 7

Objective of Global Times 7 News Network :-
To display the Indian civilization and culture, to display the important schemes issued by the government so that people can be made aware at the lower level of the society!
At the same time raising the voice of the downtrodden oppressed in the society so that the attention of the people sitting on responsible positions can be more focused towards them!
To display the orders and instructions given by the departmental officers and the commendable work done by them so that a positive message can be sent to the society.
To display corruption, crime, accidents etc. happening in the society so that the officers and employees sitting in the department can discharge their responsibilities more quickly!
To display some Kshetriya poet-creator so that such stars can be encouraged more,, Also to display some ancient places from village to city so that more improvement can be done!
Global Times7 News Network
Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Financial Support

We work to expand the availability of affordable and reliable financial services that serve the needs of all, including the world's poorest people.

Health is wealth

Free medical camps are set up with a sacred aim to bring awareness amongst the deprived population of the country who have no access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the diseases they are suffering from. So, medical camps provide free medical advice, medicine to the unfortunate people and refer for specialized treatment or surgery whenever it is required. These camps make sure people are getting the healthcare at the right time, and seeing the doctor early enough before a small health problem turns serious.